Recently I have noticed a pattern in my life which made me shudder. Not the cause and effect or Karma and its fruits. But something more subtle.
I am not sure what brought on this understanding but I am pretty much sure that this shit is happening all my life and I failed to notice it.
For every good news in my life there appears to be a bad news that’s just lurking round the corner.
I remember when I was in my Tenth Class, My only goal was to score 75%. I studied hard for that. Before the exams I burnt the midnight oil, revising the books again and again…I have done all that. Finally, when I did get the results I was happy to note that I received more than expected. I was literally on the top of the world. I went home and informed my mom who was so happy that she purchased sweets to distribute them to all our neighbors. Unfortunately, that’s when my happiness ended!! The neighbor’s dumb son got more than what I did. Mom was a bit surprised but congratulated them, and made a dash to other neighbors. Unfortunately, the same saga continued. In every house there is some on or some relative or some friend who got better than what I did!!! Needless to say, the happiness didn’t last long.
The same shit continued ..into my teenage to adult life…it kept appearing. I used to think I gave the best and for the time being , I did feel that I got the best. But, when I look around I do notice that this is not true. I do know that I shouldn’t be comparing my success with others …but when living in a society it’s hard to ignore
Now that I did notice that success and its joys are only for a moment, I was a bit confused. Is this the almighty’s way of saying that I shouldn’t get overwhelmed by success and stay rooted to ground?
One thing is for sure after my RELIZATION , my life just got more curious and curious and am afraid of too much of happiness and the worst part is I have no idea how to handle it!!!!!